Section 1 – Getting to Know Dash and Dot - Use Apps for Control

  • Introduction to Robotics with Dash & Dot - 2 hours (3 classes)
    What is a robot? How do we control Dash? Introduce Dash with Go App and Path App. Make a grid on the floor and use math to determine distances moved.

  • Dash’s Adventures in History - 2 hrs (3 classes)
    Dash time travels back in History to explore a topic. Integrates with social studies lesson for Erie Canal. But can also work for Lewis & Clark, Columbus, etc. Students write a story, use a map, and develop a presentation about Dash’s adventure.

  • Wondering with Dash - 1 to 2 hours (2 to 4 classes)
    Students use the Wonder App and learn to control Dash. Students learn about events, sequence, and what they can control with Dash. This is a pre-curser to learning programming.

  • Dash Explores Newton’s Laws - 1 to 2 hrs (3 classes)
    Use the launch accessory, the bulldozer accessory, and the Wonder App to explore Newton’s 3 laws of physics with Dash.

  • Dash Can Play the Xylephone – 1 to 2 hrs (3 classes)
    Use the Xylephone accessory and teach Dash to play a few songs.