Lesson 3 Building Robot Brains

How do we control robots?   How are python programs created?

The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to make Scribbler move using Myro and Python programming commands.  Also we will learn about these programming concepts: parameters, modules, functions, and saving programs.


By the time you complete this activity you should be able to:

1.      Understand the structure of programs and create a new program and run it

2.       Teach Scribbler how to speak

3.       Use repetition in a program with loops

4.       Use commands to estimate in a program

5.       Obtain input for a program and display information

6.       Use a formula to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius

7.    Add loops to your dance program

8.    Use a list of values in a program

9.    Create and use functions in a program with variables

10.    Use math functions to perform calculations – multiply, divide, add, subtract

11.      Use these Myro and Python commands:

a.       speak(<something>, 0)

b.       timer(<seconds>)

c.        Values and Names in Python

d.       eval(ask(<prompt string>))

e.        print(<expression1>, <expression2>, ...)

f.        <variable name> = <expression>

g.        range(n1, n2)

h.       range(n1, n2, step)

i.         for <variable> in <sequence>:

j.         while True:



View the following items and open the Worksheet document.  The worksheet contains a checklist for you to check off items as you complete them, and also has questions to answer.  Follow the instructions and guidelines provided by your instructor and give the filled-out worksheet to your instructor at the completion of this activity.


Name and Link to Resource

Est. Time

Chapter Overview Video

Chapter 3 Building Robot Brains

2 min

Activity Worksheet

Chapter 3 Worksheet (DOC)



Learning Computing With Robots


Activity Video(s)

Chapter 3 Introduction

Chap 3 Activity 1 a Robot Brain

Chap 3 Activity 2 What’s in a Name?

Chap 3 Activity 3 A Calculating Program

Chap 3 Activity 4 Using Input

Chap 3 Activity 5 Repetition in Python

Chap 3 Activity 6 While Loops

Chap 3 Activity 7 World Population

Chapter 3 Summary

2 min

7 min

10 min

5 min

8 min

7 min

2 min

7 min

6 min




Additional Resources

The Semicolon Wars
